Terms and conditions

All the materials on this website are presented free of charge for the benefit of the public. If you have any queries, concerns, or require further information, you are invited to contact us at nzslaters@massey.ac.nz.
© Massey University
Except where indicated, copyright to all the material in the NZ Slaters website and the image galleries is owned by Massey University. The permission of Massey University must be sought before any part of the the NZ Slaters website, including the images, is reproduced in any format as part of a commercial venture. Enquiries about copyright should be sent to nzslaters@massey.ac.nz.
For material on this website that is identified as being the copyright of a third party, authorisation to reproduce such material must be obtained from the copyright holders concerned.
Permission is not required for any part of the NZ Slaters website to be reproduced for educational (classroom presentation) use, subject to: (i) the materials being not published and/or distributed outside of classroom; (ii) the material being reproduced accurately, in a non-derogatory manner and in a non-misleading context; (iii) the source and the copyright status of the material or information being clearly and accurately acknowledged. The permission must be sought before any part of the NZ Slaters website, including the images, is published or distributed in any format (including printed or online publication).
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If you would like to purchase a print-quality image, acquire a publication licence, or have any queries relating to use of image files, please contact us at nzslaters@massey.ac.nz. High-resolution print-quality versions of most images are available.
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